Types of fairys

There are lots of diffrent types of endomorh fairys around us. That's right the real fairys are all endomorphs. What are endomorps? Endomorphs are creatures that have a human form, and in the inside there creature features. So, there are diffrent types of fairy endomorphs that we HAVE to discuss, in order for the people to understand us more. Lets get started.


Fairys, are the whats all in this website so far. But soon, it will be filled with what i am. Fairys are really mischeives, and nice, so don't expect them to be all pretty and nice. But the how we live, and the fairy personality question are all similair to the next endomorph fairy species. So people who emailed me saying there a fairy, read about this next endomorph, cause you might be mistakend. Acan get nyhow, the real size of a fairy is human, since they are endomorph.  The smallest fairys are usally between 4 and 5 ft. Trust me, fairys can get pretty big nowadays. So lets now learn about the next species.


Ahh, it was about time I said this word. You got pretty annoyed, eh? Nevermind that, lets learn about the next and last species, sprites. Sprites are way smaller than the fairys, but that all depends on age, really. As we said, there personality, and how they live, are the same listed order, but some of them are stronger. Like the way they are mischevious and all, they don't do that much. Acutally, they do it secretly, only doing small pranks and tickles, swifty and silently as any founder of anything, acting just like there fairy tale story size. So, the good type of fairys are mysterious, we are more mysterious than you can ever imagine. Nobody ever understood us, really, so friends are common, as they want to know MORE! It's so frustrating, because when we tell them the truth, they laugh! LAUGH! And never understand anything! I hate that! Nevermind that, you want to know how we live, as your waiting for my frustrations to end. We live just like fairys, but all of us bound to nature. No elements, but seasons, yes, seasons, cause we were all born on one of them. We sometimes don't go outside, and end up horribly stressed out, hair everywere, and eyes red from no outside air, it sucks, really. We go to school, love recess, and tend to do everyday life.  (WILL BE EDITED VERY QUICKLY)

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